Emily: Were going to go upstairs for a little while. Hannah: What is it these Quartermaine men, huh? (After checking her answering machine) Alexis (regarding the Deception party): On a list of 500 things that I would rather not do...this being 499...I believe that's just above the walking tour of the Siberian tundra. Alexis: He made me feel all warm and fuzzy. That's the real problem. I just described myself as fuzzy. Chloe: I wasn't left at the altar. Alexis: Are we going to get into a fight again? Alexis: It's a good thing were on the same side. Otherwise you'd be terrifying. Stefan: There is no reason for Nikolas to learn the details of my
disappearance. Alexis: Lawyers are unavailable. Information is unavailable. Patients in I.C.U. are not unavailable. Alexis (to Zander): Aw, look at you. You look like a real boy. Alexis (about Zander): He's going to get shot and killed. Alexis: I'm having one of those things again, you know? Alexis: I need to just remind myself that love is like a...a space heater. Alexis: I fell in love with a businessman, not Mick Jagger. Alexis: Call your henchmen or your goons or whatever it is that you call
them. (Zander is trying to talk Alexis out of entering Sonny's
hospital room) Alexis: (yelling at Carly and Sonny through the closed door) You know, there are liability problems here. Are you aware of the liability problems? As your attorney, I'm going to suggest you cease and desist. Carly, you should know better. Zander: You know, you don't have to buy me breakfast every morning. Zander: Your kitchen looks weird. It's like nobody lives there. Alexis: (talking to Chloe) Drop the cheerfulness, will you? It's getting on my nerves. Luke: Oh. Alexis, you want to work out some of those prenuptial jitters? Alexis: You kidnapped my nephew, now you eat my crullers? Get out! Luke: (coughing through a mouthful of crullers) Have you got any coffee or something here? Alexis: But I'll be rooting for you. Unless, of course, you bother Nikolas
again, in which case I will have you arrested, and I'll prosecute you myself,
free of charge. Luke: I am invited to the wedding, yes? Alexis: (regarding her penthouse) You can't beat the security. (Emily and Elizabeth try to help Alexis pick out a wedding dress) Helena: Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your Mr. Ashton? He's Alexis: (about marriage) You weren't nervous. Carly: You passed out? Ned: Just feel free to admit that this is probably the worst nuptial fiasco
you've ever experienced in your life. Alexis: But you see, I understand the Cassadines because we just glare
menacingly at each other, slip through dark hallways in crumbling mansions, plot
revenge, and kill our young. Alexis: You know, I'll probably live longer as a Quartermaine because I don't have to worry about being poisoned at the breakfast bar. Unless of course their insane cook is having a bad day or Reginald is trying to make a point. (Dara overhears Luke and Alexis arguing) Alexis: The court is not disposed in your favor because you didn't play by
the rules. Alexis: Anyone care for a drink? I know that I could use one. Alexis: I want to bring Carly this bouquet. She may want to toss it. You don't happen to have a helmet handy, do you? Alexis: (checking her e-mail) Ah, there we go. Here's a marriage proposal. Alexis: Do you want my help or not? Alexis: I haven't seen you in ages. Alexis: (talking to Sonny) You are a career criminal. It's hard enough to prove
thatyou're innocent without the jury picturing me in my underwear. Alexis: I am not attractive. I'm an attorney. (Someone knocks on the door) Alexis: No matter how insulting they get or how
personal the question, you have to -- to -- well, you know, questions like
"where do you buy your underwear" and then "how many times a week
do you have sex". Alexis: I'm warning you. One word from me, and you're dead. Helena: Wait till the attorneys for the Cassadine estate learn that you
threatened to sic one of that mobster's bodyguards on me. Alexis: (talking to her plant) Don't die. Be a good bonsai. Alexis: I mean, true, I find you morally repugnant, but I'm sure there's someone out there that would find you very charming. Ned: What was that? Alexis: I'm going to have to get sunglasses. Big sunglasses. And hats, with brims and vests, bulletproof. I'll look bulky! Alexis: I don't know what rock stars eat. I thought beer and burgers was a safe bet. (Alexis has chopped through a door with an ax) Alexis: (talking to Stefan) Next time my phone rings before dawn, I'm going to rip it out of the wall and then I'm going to come over here and kill you. Alexis: I'm just -- just surprised to see you. Alexis: Sonny had consensual, unprotected sex with the wrong woman on the wrong day. That's stupid, that's careless, that's irresponsible, but it's not against the law. (Alexis and Jax exchange Valentines Day gifts) (Helena arrives at L&B) Helena: Despite all of your many shortcomings, I truly believe that you love
Nikolas, and I would hope that you and I could work together to ensure his
safety. Nikolas needs to know that he can depend on us. Alexis: (talking to Helena) Then why don't you fly away and leave us alone, you old bat. Alexis: (talking to Helena) You've got to go. So get your broom and get out. Alexis: Do yourself a favor and find yourself another job. Alexis: You know, I used to fantasize about this. I did. You coming to my
doorstep and just begging me for help. But you see, in my fantasy, you grovel
more. So I'm afraid that I need you to grovel. Alexis: Now, say "please." Sonny: You got an interesting mind. Too bad access is so limited. |